
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Worst Root Sin

I am starting to think you can identify your own root sin simply by asking yourself which one is the worst. It’s like personality types; after you read the characteristics of your type, you always think yours is the worst one.

Today I was going to write about someone who I can nearly conclude is struggling with the root of lust, but it is very hard for me to say that because it just seems like the worst root sin to have. I keep leaving him unclassified because I can’t bring myself to pin lust onto anyone.

With pride and greed you can almost rationalize them as unfortunate outcomes of the events of your childhood. Children from poor homes might eventually struggle with greed. Children who are ridiculed might eventually struggle with pride. Please don’t get me wrong, though. I said you could “almost” rationalize them, not that sin has any excuse. But lust, it just seems like pure sin and the worst of all three by far. And that makes me wonder if it is really my own root issue.

Lust is the root sin I have spent the least time researching. I have never classified one person with this root issue. Maybe it hits so close to home that I am avoiding it. Maybe I can even extend this new possibility to explain my half-hearted attempts at overcoming pride. Or is that just me being too proud to address my pride issue? Oh dear, now we go in circles!

If you haven’t been able to identify your root issue yet, try classifying other people you know. It’s a lot easier. And let me know what you think about my theory that the worst root sin is your own.

And if you’ve never discovered your personality or temperament type, I think this one is the best. After you take it, don’t forget to read about your strengths and weaknesses.


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