
Monday, July 25, 2005

Reasonable Control

Marriage is the single most important objective for most young women. The desire builds during the last days of high school and reaches a fevered pitch as they exit university. By then they’re scanning every scene, looking for anyone they could possibly live with for the rest of their life. But in fact, the right person is the one you can’t live the rest of your life without.

Kelly is my one.

Even so, there is not just one person in this world that is fitting for each of us. In reality, there are many people you are compatible with and could probably build a fantastic life with. If you choose the first one you find, and you come across other well-suited companions later in life, this may cause you confusion. It is very common to then wonder if you married the right person.

Many people feel bad when this happens, but it is not a sin for that thought to enter your mind. In fact, thoughts in general are not sin; it is what you do with them that is important.

Trigger thoughts appear all the time, often uninvited. If you give way, they can turn into willful sin.

On the other hand, if you (1) capture each thought, (2) recognize its wicked potential , and (3) choose not to indulge, then you will almost certainly avoid sin. You have to act as an observer of yourself and control your thoughts before your thoughts gain control over you.

This process only takes a few seconds. In fact, if you linger, you are probably indulging!

Do you know your own thought life; as an observer of it?

Finding your spouse is not so much about finding as it is about realizing who they are. And knowing yourself is all about recognizing what’s already there.


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