In pain, but not suffering
It is well understood that the capacity to forgive has been allowed us for our own consolation. Forgiving someone who has hurt you does nothing for his conscience, but it does everything for your own strength of character. It is an exercise in self-healing; in growing through brokenness.
But let’s not forget its wider reach.
When you choose to forgive you absorb into your own person that poisonous smog that hangs about; already fat but greedy and unquenchable. It is as heavy as all the unhealthy thoughts, wicked words, and acts of betrayal that have been, and heavier still if you let it fall on someone new.
When you make up your mind to abide the final blow yourself, you do a little to liberate us all.
It is a mighty strength to bear the end of a thing.
It is a great act of courage to let it rush into you and not be moved.
It is only bitter if you swallow it with a cup of self-pity.
But let’s not forget its wider reach.
When you choose to forgive you absorb into your own person that poisonous smog that hangs about; already fat but greedy and unquenchable. It is as heavy as all the unhealthy thoughts, wicked words, and acts of betrayal that have been, and heavier still if you let it fall on someone new.
When you make up your mind to abide the final blow yourself, you do a little to liberate us all.
It is a mighty strength to bear the end of a thing.
It is a great act of courage to let it rush into you and not be moved.
It is only bitter if you swallow it with a cup of self-pity.